Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Google Mural #1 Finished!!

Mural is officially done!!  Next, a shoot with a photographer for hi-res and properly lit photos.  Now onto the next mural; designs are in progress :)
finished w/ protective acrylic-urethane coat
almost done!!
 face detail
 bell detail
 planetoid detail
 logo in progress
logo finished!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

impromptu Capitol Hill Art Walk - Fuel Coffee

sorry, didnt promote this one; just a low key show with some old art.  But good to have some stuff up again.

update 6-14-12

almost done.  just touch ups, boardering, and protective-coat!!

potato stamps

 made stamps out of potatoes for the cherry blossoms and the smiley-faces
 had left-over potato; made hashbrowns :P
the smilely's