androgynous: adjective
partly male and partly female in appearance; of indeterminate sex.
-The Oxford dictionary
I had the pleasure of partaking in a photo set put on by Sasha "Stéfan" and Jacqueline "Javs" Ann Cables and joining model Eileen Mello. The Initial idea proposed was glam, but the theme morphed into a discussion about androgyny and the blurring of gender lines.
VIDEO: Casey Leger - Male Models: The Female of the Species
Rather than completely reverse identities like drag or other contrasting of gender forms of bending, androgyny has the interesting ability to blend and blur the lines of sexual identity and shine in its subtlety. Androgyny can have the strange ability to represent both sexes while almost simultaneously doing away with both all together.
This was a great opportunity to not only explore gender and identity from a different perspective, but also a new experience in art; being the subject of a composition rather than filling the role of a painter or sculptor creating the piece. In no way do I have illusions of being a professional model, but I would like to continue experimenting being in front of the camera. Thank you again to my gracious collaborators: Sasha, Jacqueline, and Eileen.
Of course we had to include the obligatory "bathroom party" shots :P